Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Handhelds and Smartphones in High School...

It's official! My latest book hit the stands on 3/1/06.

It's entitled: "Handheld Computers and Smartphones in Secondary Schools: A Guide to Hands-on Learning" and it's published by ISTE.

Here's the description:
Ready or not, here they come. Intelligent mobile devices are finding their way to schools in record numbers. This hands-on guide to handheld technology will give educators everything they need to "go mobile" with their kids: classroom management strategies, professional development ideas, tips for choosing and using best-of-class curriculum and productivity software, and practical classroom exercises that get the most out of handheld computers.

Here's the link.

This one was really fun to write. A combination of tips and tricks and activities gleaned from the training I do for Palm and anecdotal information from visiting lots of schools.

Hope you enjoy it!