Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What.. you don't know SHARPCAST??

OK. I found the "killer" application missing from my life. It's called Sharpcast.

It's the perfect cure for "too-many-device-syndrome". My problem - I've got photos on my Treo smartphone, my home computer and my website. They're NEVER where I need them, nor are they "in sync".

Welcome to Sharpcast... here's what the SJ Mercury News (10/23/06, Larry Magid) said:

"Like Flickr, Picassa and others, Sharpcast lets you upload your photos to the Web to share with friends. But its unique software not only automates the process so you don't have to do anything when you add more photos. It also lets your friends and family see any edits or changes in real time -- whether they're viewing your pictures on the Web, on a mobile Windows Smart Phone or -- ideally -- on a PC using their own copy of Sharpcast software.

Here's how it works. You download and install the free Sharpcast application on your PC and tell it where you keep your photos. It automatically uploads full-sized images suitable for sharing and printing. Once that's done, you can invite friends to view those photos on the Web, but if they also have the Sharpcast software they can view them on their PC. When new photos are shared, they get a notice via e-mail and through the software.

The software also has basic editing features and if you edit an image, your friend sees the changes immediately. Graphic professionals could even use this to get real-time feedback from clients.

Sharpcast has plans to do the same for documents, spreadsheets and other types of files as a way to keep your PCs and portable devices backed up and in sync and as a way to help you migrate to a new machine. Right now the full software experience is available only on Windows, but there will soon be a Mac uploader to allow Mac users to upload their photos for viewing on the Web.

An account with five gigabytes of storage is free through the end of the year, and can be downloaded from www.sharpcast.com. The company plans to continue offering basic free service and charge fees for extra storage and advanced features."


GET IT. You won't regret it.