Friday, January 14, 2005

It's not a brick, it's a Mac?

At Macworld SF, Apple announced the Mac
. The 6.5in wide and 2" tall square is truly amazing. When
you'll see it in person, you'll really get a sense of just how small,
and feature-packed, this thing really is.

Top 10 cool things about the Mac mini
1. it's SMALL (almost non-existant footprint for crowded desks, student
work areas, or server farms)
2. it's powerful (1.42GHz PPC G4
3. it's SMALL
4. built in Firewire, USB2, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet, 56K modem
5. iLive '05 comes with it for free
6. it's SMALL
7. expandable to 1GB of RAM
8. Slot-loading DVD/CD-RW drive
9. It's SMALL
10. it's CHEAP (<$499 starting price)

Nicely done, Apple.

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