Monday, March 14, 2005

SPIT and SPIM: Spam grows more heads

Move over SPAM, here comes SPIM and SPIT.

Like we need more acronyms? SPIM - spam by instant messenger, and SPIT - spam over internet telephony, are not only new acronyms - these two new spaminals are growing.

In the last week, I logged three different VoIP SPIT messages and one SPIM (on my Treo).

As you probably know, Internet telephony (voice-over IP (VoIP)) involves making phone calls using the internet instead of traditional phone lines. VoIP uses internet protocols to send information, meaning one message can easily be sent to thousands of recipients.

What do you do? Where there's SPAM, SPIM and SPIT, there's a software solution. GOOGLE these acronyms to find them.